Bottled water’s greenhouse gases weigh heavy on World Environment Day


Bottled water’s greenhouse gases weigh heavy on World Environment Day

South Australians are encouraged to help beat air pollution and prevent 60,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions from being generated in Australia each year by the production and transport of single-use plastic water bottles, by choosing tap and carrying their own reusable bottles.

Around 370 million single-use plastic water bottles can also avoid making their way to landfill each year, where they take up to 1,000 years to break down.  

SA Water General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said remembering to bring your own bottle – or BYOB – is a practical commitment that can be made on World Environment Day.  

“The entire process from production, transport and disposal of bottled water has an impact on our environment and we all share a responsibility to form a better habit and protect our planet,” Anna said.

“One of the easiest, most cost-effective and environmentally friendly ways to build a healthy habit is by bringing your own reusable bottle filled with safe, clean drinking water straight from the tap when you’re out and about.

“Unlike some other parts of the world where commercial bottled water is the most reliable option, South Australians know every time they turn on the tap that the water is clean and safe to drink.

“As well as the environmental benefits to bringing your own bottle, it's also better for your hip pocket – more than 90 per cent of the cost of a bottle of water actually comes from its packaging.”

It’s about to get even easier to BYOB and access an alternative to bottled water, with SA Water installing 30 new smart water fountains across the state, as part of its efforts to make tap water more accessible in public spaces.    

“You can now fill up for free at six new water fountains in and around Adelaide Oval, and five more will being going into the Adelaide Showground in time for this year’s Royal Adelaide Show,” Anna said.

Smart technology in the fountains – which are already in place in Port Lincoln, Port Augusta, Kapunda and Myponga – allow their water use to be remotely monitored, generating cleaning and maintenance schedules, and built-in solar lighting keeps them illuminated and easy to find at night.

Officially recognised by the United Nations in 1974, World Environment Day encourages worldwide awareness to protect our environment and preserve the Earth.





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