Apply now for SA Water's Community Partnerships Program


Apply now for SA Water's Community Partnerships Program

Groups and organisations with ideas and plans for fostering a better life within their local community are invited to apply for up to $10,000 funding or in-kind support through SA Water's 2019 Community Partnerships Program.

SA Water's Community Partnerships Program supports grassroots community organisations in delivering local events and programs across regional and metropolitan areas of South Australia.

SA Water General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said successful initiatives would need to align with the corporation's vision to deliver world class water services for a better life.

"Water is life and brings so many benefits to our modern society, from providing a means of exercise that helps individuals stay fit and healthy, right up to maintaining the health of a whole population," Anna said.  

"Water can also be central to developing children’s social skills, having quality time with family, friends and neighbours, or enabling the economic development and employment that sustains communities.

"So many of our customers and community members have ideas and already established programs that make a difference to the lives of others, and we'd love to know how we can help."

Last year SA Water's Community Partnerships Program sponsored 17 different groups like Surfing SA who run a learn to surf program for disabled children, and the annual Can:Do 4Kids' end of year celebration which provided an inclusive environment for 300 children with sensory needs to enjoy water in a safe and supportive environment.

"We've also helped a Port Augusta community organisation deliver a hair hygiene and nit treatment program for local children, and a new inclusive bathroom facility is currently being built in Mt Gambier for riders and visitors to a community racetrack in time for their next Pedal Prix," Anna said.

"We'd love to hear from more not-for-profit community groups planning to host events and programs that relate to our vision, and are in step with SA Water's core value of working together."

Applications for our Community Partnerships Program close at midnight on 19 May 2019, and funding will be made available from July 2019.

To apply or find out details of the type of activities and groups which are eligible, visit





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