Andy’s solutions hit the 35-year high water mark


Andy’s solutions hit the 35-year high water mark

Long-serving Mount Barker Technical Services Coordinator, Andy Krauel, has been praised for his dedication to Adelaide Hills communities through 35 years of service with SA Water.

In total Andy has devoted 44 years of his career to the water industry, and 35 of these have been with SA Water which he first joined back in 1974.

Andy now leads a five-person team that ensures vital repairs and projects are completed safely and on time, so essential water services are maintained for customers.

Ahead of water repairs and capital projects, community-minded Andy liaises with local councils and land developers to devise schedules and solutions that minimise disruption to residents, businesses and commuters.

Andy’s supervisor, Manager Technical Services, Matt Minagall, said he excels at finding solutions to tough field operations challenges.

“Andy has a remarkable ability to instil enthusiasm and a strong work ethic in his team, who are often working against the clock on time sensitive projects,” Matt said.

“His warm and relaxed manner makes him a wonderful person to work with and builds a great team environment.

“We’re fortunate at SA Water to have highly skilled, problem-solvers such as Andy who are committed to providing vital services for communities across South Australia.”

After starting out as a Junior Draftsman, Andy developed his skills and experience across a number of roles and by the early 1990s had attained the position of Senior Technical Officer. He was then promoted to his current Mount Barker-based role of Technical Services Coordinator in 2011.

Proud of clocking up 35-years of service, Andy is now reflecting on his work and plans for the future.

“The work I do brings different people with different skills together and I’ve been privileged to have made great friendships along the way,” Andy said.

“I get to fix problems and be part of the solution, and I love that it lets me see a job through from start to finish.

“I’ve been proud to improve surveying capabilities at SA Water and help introduce new, more efficient technologies such as robotics and GPS which benefit our customers.”

Looking ahead, Andy plans to keep working at SA Water, but make more time for his family and travel.

“I want to get out and see more of Australia in my caravan and I’m mulling over an overseas trip to Europe too,” he said.

In acknowledgement of Andy’s loyalty he received a gift and a certificate signed by SA Water’s Chief Executive Roch Cheroux at a special presentation held in Mount Barker.





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